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Annual Events

Spring/ Easter Fun Day

A chance for parents and children to enjoy a fun morning at the nursery with outdoor stalls, games, crafts and an opportunity to get to know the team better. We provide bacon baps, hot drinks and cakes.


Summer Trip

Each year we organise a trip with parents to different sites such as Paultons Park, Adventure Wonderland etc. All staff attend, and go round the park with the families.

School Children Leavers Party

During  August/September time, we organise a party for the children who leave the nursery for school.The staff grow incredibly close to the children, so this is a lovely  opportunity to wish them all the best with their future school.


Halloween Party

October time, we throw a Halloween party for families to enjoy spooky games, craft activities and hot food.

Christmas Play

December time, the children perform a Christmas play at a local village hall. They dress up in costumes, sing songs and act out a short nativity scene. Snacks such as mince pies and beverages follow. Not forgetting a visit from Father Christmas.

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